簡介: Jeremy Lebrick, 美(měi)國人(rén), 威斯康辛大(dà)學雙學士(人(rén)文地理(lǐ)&ESL教學) , AP國科課程學術英語教師, 教學嚴謹,方式靈活, 得(de)到學生的(de)高(gāo)度認可(kě).
During my first month teaching at Xi’an Middle School I have discovered that the students here are outstanding when compared to students of similar age from my home country, America.The students here are highly motivated toward enhancing their educations.They are kind and respectful.Overall, they are accustomed to hard work and a rigidly structured education which the majority of American students are not.I have no doubt that the students who graduate from Xi’an Middle School will have successful futures, whether they decide to pursue further education and employment at global or local levels.
In my classes I maintain well-planned lessons while trying to allow my students to have fun learning, as much as possible.Of course, this cannot always be done.When possible I conduct learning activities in which my students can actively learn and later write about.When we cannot do activities I approach my lessons’ in a relaxed manner with high enthusiasm toward the subject matter.I do this because I enjoy teaching.It also ensures my students remain attentive and willing to ask any questions they have, no matter what time of day it is.I realize that all of my students’ understandings of English are at different levels.I know all of my students are smart in their own ways.Therefore, I try to grasp their interests and aspirations in order to allow them to grow linguistically within an interdisciplinary nature.
In America I studied Cultural Geography, Urban Planning Development and Teaching English as a Foreign Language.Through my Geography studies I have learned how important it is for global citizens to have an understanding of the English Language.For many people around the world English is not only a language, it is also a tool which can be used to enhance their and their families’ livelihoods.Through my studies of Teaching English as a Foreign Language I learned how to give my students this tool.Therefore, my objective here at Xi’an Middle is to lend my education, experience and enthusiasm in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, to engage Chinese students in the wonder of learning English and allow them to grow as individuals.I feel privileged to be doing this at a school with such a rich, long lasting history and dedication toward education.